

November Circus Smart Speaker Series – What I Have Learned About the Magic of Circus

Posted on September 5, 2023

Join Dr. Dean Kriellaars for a celebration of circus!
We are so lucky to have this opportunity to hear from Dr. Kriellaars, expert in Physical Literacy, Durability, and Circus Physiology in the November Circus Smart Speaker Series lecture.
In this talk he will cover the following topics:
Dr. Dean Kriellaars is a neuroscientist and one of the founding fathers and world renowned experts in physical literacy, committed to the development and application of research into motor skill development, gender bias, risky play and resilience.
A prolific researcher:
An award winning thought leader:
The Circus Smart Speaker Series takes place online! Can’t make it live?
** RECORDING AVAILABLE ** for one week afterwards
More about Dr. Dean Kriellaars:
Dr. Kriellaars is the Scientific Director at the National Circus School, an associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba and the Durability by Design Co-Lead at Cirque du Soleil.
Education includes:

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