
Past Workshops

Feb 25, 2018 – Fly Circus Space – A full day of learning the “WHY” of aerial arts. Understanding the why behind the form and technique used in aerial training including, hanging, hollow bodies, inversions, and high level skills. The anatomy of the body holds the answers. Broken into three sessions, hip, shoulder and injury prevention this will be one day of packed learning!

Jul 9, 2017 – Sky Gym – A six hour immersive anatomy workshop for aerial artists. Prevent injury and improve performance by understanding how your body moves. Work with your body as you uncover how the shoulders, core, and hips interact to move you through space, support your weight, and achieve greater flexibility through proper mechanics.

Apr 9, 2017 – Evaluation and Treatment of Circus Artists – A 4 hour course for physical therapists and other health practitioners during which we will analyze common movements in circus arts from hanging to inversions and skin the cat. Participants will learn to recognize compensations and ways to treat clients before these patterns turn into injuries.

Apr 8, 2017 – Esh Circus Arts – A two session course at Esh Circus Arts with a focus on injury prevention and anatomy of the hip and shoulder.

Dec 11, 2016 – Perform Forever: From Hanging to Handstands – Right here in SEATTLE! Do you swing through the air or stand on your hands? You can prevent injury and improve performance by understanding how your body moves. Work with your body as you uncover how the shoulders, core, and hips interact to move you through space, support your weight, and achieve greater flexibility through proper mechanics.

Aug 2016 – Cirque School LA – Anatomy and injury prevention education for Cirque School LA’s instructors and intensive students.

Nov 6-9, 2014 – CircusFest Vancouver – Emily will be speaking to circus performers in Vancouver about their anatomy, how it adapts to the unique stresses of circus arts, and how they can stay injury free.

Sep 2014 – Aloft Loft – Anatomy education for Aloft’s full time students and staff.

Jan 10, 2014 – Chicago Contemporary Circus Festival – Emily Scherb spoke on functional anatomy for aerialists as part of lectures organized by Circus Now.

Aug 16, 2012 – American Youth Circus Organization Educators Convention 2012 – FUNctional Anatomy: A lecture for circus educators from around the country on the anatomy of a circus performer and the relationship of anatomical form and function.