

In Person Full Day CME Course – Movement Analysis and Treatment of Circus Shoulders: Working with True Overhead Athletes – Toronto, CA – February 2024

Posted on January 2, 2024

In this continuing education course for healthcare professionals, we will look at the bio-mechanics of the shoulder related to this unique population of athletes through a Movement Systems lens. This course will combine didactic instruction with practical application and will include a participatory session with artistic athletes in a gym setting.



1.     Learn about the anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder and how it changes to accommodate the large range of motion, high forces, and unique demands of circus arts.

2.     Assess the movement of the shoulder in circus artists and differentiate between unique patterns of dysfunction common in circus populations

3.     Identify and assess landmarks during common foundational circus movements

4.     Create an exercise program which will help circus artists correct common movement pattern dysfunctions in circus art.

5.     Put learning to practice on equipment with artistic athletes in real time.

6.     Feel confident assessing the physical needs of the shoulder under the demands over overhead athletic/performance pursuits.

7.     Feel confident applying gym-based treatment plans for your overhead athletes.


Course schedule:

Sunday February 11, 2024

·       8am-1pm at Pivot Sport Medicine 2288 Bloor St W. Toronto, ON (Bloor and Durie – just west of Runnymede) and

·       1:30-3pm at Think Fitness Studios 134 Park Lawn Rd. Etobicoke, ON


$475 CDN + HST – registration is open via pivotdancer.com and space is limited. (Pivot Dancer Dance Science members receive 10% off tuition)

Registration fees are refundable – a non-refundable deposit of $100 until February 1/2024 at which time registration fees will be entirely non-refundable.


Signed copies of Emily’s book; Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts, are available for $16. Offer is for preorder only.  Books will be distributed at the course on Feb 11.  Description: https://www.thecircusdoc.com/book/


Clothing that you can move comfortably in and expose your shoulders for practical components of the course material.


Coffee/tea, snacks and a light lunch will be provided.  Please advise us via email of any dietary restrictions at the time of your registration.


Dr. Emily Scherb is a physical therapist specializing in circus and performing arts medicine. Through her over 30 years of training and working in the circus arts she has gained deep insight on how circus bodies work in the air and on the ground. Emily owns a physical therapy practice in Seattle, WA in which clinicians specialize in the treatment of circus and performing artists. Emily now teaches workshops for circus artists, instructors, and healthcare providers with the mission of improving health and safety in circus training and performance. She is a board member of the American Youth Circus Organization / American Circus Educators as well as Seattle Dance and Performing Arts Medicine. Her bestselling book Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts was published in 2018.

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